Printing Effective Signage

Learn How To Raise Money For An Organization By Having An Auction

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If you want to raise money for a group or an organization, consider holding an auction in your community. A silent auction can be a great way to help the people in the area learn about the cause you are supporting. Proper planning is essential when it comes to holding a silent auction. The following guide walks you through a few things you can do to ensure that the auction goes smoothly.…

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How To Help Your Kids Earn Money This Summer

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Doesn’t it feel like the school year just barely started? The end of this school semester in most areas is just weeks away and then summer fun will begin. The beginning of summer work, too, for kids who want to earn some spending money and even enough money to put into a savings account. If you want to help them make some serious cash, more power to you. From increasing their baby sitting jobs to plastic card printing, here are some ideas that might inspire you and your kids to create a summer plan.…

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Office Equipment: 4 Good Reasons To Consider Renting A Printer

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Purchasing new office equipment can be extremely expensive. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you have to suffer without. If you cannot afford to purchase a brand new printer or copier, don’t worry. You can easily rent oneā€”and doing so actually has many benefits. So why should you consider renting a printer? Here are four good reasons: 1. Latest Technology Staying up-to-date on office technology can be very expensive. If you aren’t making a huge profit, you might be stuck with an outdated printer.…

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